Sunday, January 30, 2011

I appreciate

  • The stained glass windows at our church
  • The priveledge of helping someone truly in need
  • My alarm clock that lulls me to sleep with the sound of a crackling fireplace and wakes me gently with the gong, gong, GONG of church bells
  • Big fat snowflakes that melt on your tongue
  • Moose-noculars
  • The wool blanket I bought in a century old mill in Ireland, the hand-crocheted afghans made by Grandma Johnson, and the embroidered angel watching over me, made by my mom
  • The discovery that flavors you wouldn't think go together can make a surpisingly good pairing- like vanilla ice cream, strawberries, balsamic vinegar and a pinch of fresh ground black pepper
  • Egg bake on a Sunday after church
  • Any genuine experience that reminds me of the goodness of humanity
  • Chocolate!
  • Irreplacable people like Garrison Keilor, Harvey, and Trees (though most people have only heard of the first two)
  • My pink polka dot martini glasses that remind me to live a little
  • Tea or coffee with a good friend
  • Adventures like random grape-ings, so good that the story lives on and on
  • Hearing other people's best adventures and stories- because I don't have time to experience everything worth experiencing in this life- you need to do some of it for me and share the wealth. I will try to do the same for you.
  • A good man in a pair of jeans.
  • Art, which may or may not be a man in a good pair of jeans.

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