Tuesday, January 25, 2011

a Spanish Odyssey

Our micro-family knows how to live.

Manda and I are not typical morning people. And yet, as I drove her to school this morning, we sang loud and proud along to the Sound of Music. We are sixteen going on seventeen.

Later, she read aloud from Homer's Odyssey to me as I prepared her dinner of green beans and cheesy rice.
Then, while she ate, I quizzed her on her Spanish while sitting at la mesa.

This is not uncommon for us- her reading aloud, while I clean the kitchen and prepare food. On Sunday mornings after church she likes to read me the 'Nightlight' -a spoof of Twilight- while I make pancakes.

Nor is it unusual for us to sing in the car. Wicked, Buffy the Musical, and Dr. Horrible- whether I want to or not, I know all the songs. "Captain Hammer's here... and the day needs my saving expertise"

Maybe it helps if you don't really have to look at each other. All I know is, it all gets to count as communication with my teenage daughter, so I'll take it. And I recommend you do the same. Even if it means singing angry songs about bunnies while cooking your huevos and hearing cheesy re-dos of teen fiction while scrubbing the sink.

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