Saturday, June 23, 2012

Breakfast surprise

Woke up late this morning, in a bit of a panic, as it was overcast and I was afraid it might rain. Our lawn hadn't been mowed in well over a week due to bad timing of the rains lately, and thus was beginning to resemble a jungle.

I threw on my lawn mowing shorts and a t-shirt, then brushed my teeth and woke up my daughter. "Good morning. You know how you said you would mow yesterday and you didn't? Well, it looks like it might rain. I'm heading out to get started. As soon as you're awake, please come take over."

"Mmmph." (I think that meant OK)

When she appeared outside  a few minutes later, I let her take the reigns, and ran ahead picking up sticks. It was then that I noticed the raspberries growing in the "wild" section of my backyard; behind the rhubarb and next to some tall blue flowers. I mean, I knew they were there; I had picked some last fall and scratched up my arms cutting out dead branches earlier in the spring. I just didn't expect any to be ripe this early.

Naturally, I ran inside the house and grabbed a plastic container to fill with berries.

Approaching the perimeter of the "wilds", I carefully plucked a couple vivid red raspberries within my reach. I saw that there were more ripe berries, deeper in, so  I pushed my way through, one bush at a time. At some point it occurred to me I was wearing shorts. "Ouch. What the? Oh yah..." But I was halfway in already, so didn't see the point of turning back. When I got to the end, I peered into my knock-off Tupperware to survey my harvest. It was a two cup container, about half-full.  Not enough to make much of anything.

Oh well. I waved at Amanda to indicate I was heading back inside. "Will you please make pancakes?!" she yelled at me over the lawn mower. I nodded.

Step one: make coffee. This is to help the cook wake up and be alert when she is trying to follow a recipe.

Pancakes are one of the few things I make where I actually use the measuring cups in the back of my cupboard. I use a mix (Pamela's gluten free), because I can't eat wheat flour, and because I am not about to make my own mix- the best ones use a variety of flours, and we've already established that I would not enjoying measuring four flours, plus leavening & so forth.

Step two: In a nice heavy mixing bowl, whisk one egg with a fork. Add one cup of pancake mix and one tablespoon of canola or other vegetable oil. OK, you got me already. I did not measure the oil. I just eyeballed it. Add 3/4 cup water, and whisk it together until it is evenly wet with no big dry chunks. I added a little more water because it was hard to stir (too thick). I use a three-tined fork instead of a whisk or a blender, because it seems easier to feel the resistance and know the consistency.

Step three: Let the batter sit while you heat your non-stick pan to medium heat. When the pan is hot, add a bit of butter, and ladle scoops of batter on top of the butter right away. Cook one side till it starts to form small bubbles and the edges are firm, then flip it and cook till done. Serve with fresh picked raspberries and a drizzle of real Minnesota maple syrup.

Step four: Enjoy!

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