Saturday, October 6, 2012

Random observations of hot soup, hats, and old photographs

The kind of tired I am today is overachieving on regular kinds of tired. And yet, my late afternoon attempt at a nap after work was a fail. I have a hard time sleeping on planes anytime day or night, or in my own house when its still light out. Though, for some reason, I am able to blissfully nap in the middle of the day when I'm camping in a tent.  Go figure.

Anyhoo, when my brain is like this, I get distracted easily.

I thought it'd be best to make something easy for dinner. So, on my stove top, I put some celery and roasted onion in a pan with a little oil, until it started smelling aromatic, then I added water and salt, and some butternut squash and sweet potatoes that I had roasted earlier. I started in on my chores and let it all simmer on low.

Early into my chores, I decided I need to find a certain picture in one of my photo albums, so I opened up my travel trunk/ coffee table where I keep them, and started looking through the albums. I don't know how long I was looking- at least an hour- when I realized I had forgotten what I was looking for, so I closed the lid, and went to check on my soup.

It was interesting looking back. Here are some observations I made:
  • There are not many pictures of me in my albums. Probably a combination of the fact that I generally don't like getting my picture taken, and I'm usually the one taking the pictures. 
  • I was a bleach blond for only one year of my life. For some reason, I have lots of pictures of me as a blond, though I didn't necessarily look any better as a blond. So why? Maybe I just wanted evidence of my year of trying to have more fun?  :) Its a mystery to me.
  • Also, in my daily life, I rarely wear hats, yet in a disproportionate number of pictures I'm wearing a hat. Sometimes a baseball cap, sometimes a floppy sun hat, sometimes a cowboy hat. What is it with me on vacation wearing hats? 
  • Amanda was a really happy kid. I have many many many pictures of her looking super happy and loving life.
  • I used to go camping A LOT!
  • Clearly I like waterfalls. And pictures of waterfalls, the ocean, lakes, and sunsets.
  • I have been on a lot of really fun trips to many beautiful and interesting places. I find this interesting because I didn't really start to go anywhere until I was in my early thirties.

I'm sorry I didn't scan any old pictures for you today, but I'm too tired to operate advanced technology like a scanner. You'll just have to trust my observations as the truth. (Or a slight exaggeration of the truth)


Meanwhile, back at the ranch, my soup was done. I just needed mix it on the stove top with my immersion blender, add a little more salt, and stir in a little cream. Delicious!

As I was cleaning my blender, I caught a view out my kitchen window that made me grab my camera and run out on my deck and take this picture of my back yard, looking up at the sky.

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