Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Random thoughts from the Lake

There is something inherently peaceful about being out on the lake. I know this sounds hopelessly corny, but it restores my soul. There you have it. You didn't realize I had this mushy side, did you? But hey, it's not like I'm extolling the virtues of romance novels or anything- blech!  More like, I'm just admiting that from time-to-time, I feel genuinely moved by a cathedral of pine trees, or the call of loons, or a blue and pink tinged sunset over the lake. I suppose that why there's so much crap poetry (and only a few good ones) written about nature, and for that matter, love. The problem is when you try to nail a feeling down into words, it becomes like saccharine- maybe its sweet, but the taste isn't real.

Pictures don't really do justice either. (Not that I've been able to post any. The internet service I get up here allows me to make posts, but not to download pictures.) If I could gift you with a bit of what I'm feeling right now, I would open up a booth at the end of a long dirt driveway, and offer it out in scoops like ice cream. If you had a bad day, I would give you a triple scoop.

To me, it seems like when I'm at the lake, good things are amplified, and annoyances are dulled. For starters, food always tastes better when its made outside. If that flavor experience could be made into a seasoning, everyone would keep it on their table. 

And things that normally feel like such  a hassle, such as hand-washing the dishes, are ok. Not exactly zen-like, though they may offer up an opportunity to watch a sleek black squirrel comically trying to open an acorn, or to see waves of the sun towering down in spokes through the trees.

I just got a little chill from the breeze off the lake. It's a bit early to start the camp fire,  so off I go, to find my thick cotton sweatshirt and some socks (my toes always seem to be cold).  I leave you with my random thoughts, and hope you don't judge me harshly for my seemingly gushy words. No sense denying that in way one or another we are all made of parts- simple and complex, hard and soft.

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