Thursday, August 23, 2012

Random distracting thoughts

Normally CSA Thursdays are one of my favorite days. And I did pick up all kinds of beautiful fresh fruits and veggies today. But unfortunately, I'm not up to eating much today. So I'm working on a plan to distract myself from feeling icky. I've started a list:

Watch the video my best friend sent me of baby bears being rescued from a dumpster. Because she knows I'm a sucker for cute wild animals. I should probably re-watch the video of the baby moose playing in a sprinkler while I'm at it.

Watch 'The Office' and 'Parks & Recreation'. I don't normally watch alot of tv, so I actually haven't seen the re-runs that are playing this summer. Do I love Leslie Knope? Yep.

Think about all the things that hurt much worse- like having a baby. Then think about your baby, who is no longer a baby. And then ask her to bring you up a ginger-ale. Then remember you don't have any ginger-ale. But then be glad because if you happened to have ginger-ale on hand, she surely would've brought you one.

Pretend this is a new weight loss plan, and that when this is over you will look totally hot.

Look at photos of fun trips I've been on. This one is from our recent trip to New York. It makes me happy.

Think about how much better I'm hopefully gonna feel tommorrow.

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