Sunday, July 8, 2012

Camping with great food and great friends

Ever since I was a little girl, I've enjoyed camping. It's cliche, but it really is like 'getting away from it all'. Spending time in nature with family or friends is always a good thing. And even a simple hotdog tastes better when it's made outside.

Every July for the past several years, I've joined a group of my college friends at a campground that's  not too far from the Cities, El Rancho Manana, in Richmond, MN. I almost didn't make it this year; the dates got switched around, and it would have been easy to stay back to tackle all the tasks that always seem to need tackling. But at the last minute, it all worked out, so I stuffed my Saturn with the pared down version of what I normally bring, and off I went.

It's always a good time. We kick back in comfy camp chairs, catch up on each other's lives, enjoy a refreshing beverage (or two, or more), and relax by the campfire. And we eat better than royalty; the food is amazing, and the atmosphere is a million times more comfortable.

John does most of the cooking.

I love to cook, and I generally try to bring something interesting to contribute (this year it was fennel), but I cannot tell you how much I appreciate getting to just relax and enjoy the food John makes. He is a grill-man extraordinaire. Bobby Flay ain't got nothing on him. The burgers were great, with perfectly melty cheese. And there is nothing like having coffee waiting for you when you drag your rough-around-the-edges self out the tent in the morning. Not to mention the bacon and eggs and potatoes hot off the griddle.

My favorite meal this year was the steak and potatoes. The steak was seasoned simply, and cooked perfectly. Accompanied by tinfoil packets of deliciousness: new potatoes, mushrooms, onion & green pepper, plus packets of fennel & onion in buttery goodness.

   Yummmmmm!!! I'm sorry if this is making your mouth water...

I am one blessed girl. Even as I write this, just a few hours after we headed our seperate directions home, I'm already missing John, and Pam and Jay, remembering the laughter, the meals, the late night bon-fires, the Cabo, and the little bit country girl side of me. It's that warm, comfortable feeling you get when you've had just enough of whatever it was you needed.

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