Monday, July 2, 2012

Fabulous friend-focused weekend

Didn't even turn on my computer this weekend. Needed to spend some quality time with a couple of my peeps.

Meet Teresa. I call her Trees, because I'm lazy.  We hung out Friday, on my day off. She has many talents, including putting up with me. It is a skill, for sure. She also has a black belt in Kung Fu. I think maybe its a double extreme power belt or something. I only know fake Kung Fu, and she is OK with that.  We've been friends for a long time. Since 9th grade or something. I actually knew her in 7th grade, but didn't like her due to a misunderstanding involving a guitar and a piano that I'm not going to explain. Our oldest kids are about two months apart (I only have the one), so we were even pregnant around the same time, which is a good thing because I didn't know jack about babies. Right after she had Tim, and she was all doped up on C-section meds, she called me and said it was no problem, having a baby was no big deal. If she wasn't slurring so much, I'd have believed it for sure. She can be very convincing.

She can also spot a wild blackberry at 50 paces. Which is exactly what happened about 50 paces into our walk around Round Lake. It was about 90 million degrees out at the time.

Jay the dog came with us on the walk, though even he seemed to protest the heat. I was a little jealous of his being able to just jump in the middle in the lily pads to cool off in Duck Lake.

 All in all, we enjoyed a fabulous, ridiculously hot day, and got to catch up on some important conversations.
Jay testing the waters
Jay's turtle-like head.
Looks inviting, doesn't it?

Saturday, I drove down to Whalan to hang out with Tammy. She's one of the hardest working people I know. And I work in clinical research, so I know alot of hard workers.  Besides working at the Mayo, she also owns the Cyclin' Inn- a really awesome rental home on the Root River that you should go to sometime. And a mini-golf course, right on the bike trail. Don't even get me started on  the strawberries, the horses, the carriage rides, all the chores she does up at Duane's, the cabin, the giant garden, and the rental home in Champlin. Oh, and all the stuff she does for the town of Whalan, pop. 62.

So, needless to say, I was happy to pitch in a little. We worked the evening shift in the food booth at the Fastpitch Softball Tournament up the hill. We had a great time. And by now, the locals know me pretty well, so there was plenty of razzing back and forth to keep us entertained.

Plus we got to kayak down the river beforehand, which is always  nice. Especially on a hot day.  We did not golf though, as it was a jillion degrees out before the sun went down, and even the strawberry pineapple cake flavored vodka slushy could not convince me to swing that club.

All in all, the weekend was a great reminder of how important it is to spend time with your friends. Life is too short to let too many of those opportunities pass us by.

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