Saturday, July 14, 2012

Let them eat cake!

Today was a fun packed day! Spent part one with my daughter and my cousin's two youngest kids at Riverfest in Anoka. We lucked out and got the longest pontoon ride on the Rum and Mississippi rivers  with the city councilman, because it was his boat and he re-routed us to pick up the city manager and a photographer to take extra pictures of the ride. It was a glorious, ridiculously hot day. Perfect for being on the water.

Flash forward to fun day- part two, where I attended a Bastille Day party at Theresa and Michael's house on the Rum River. I'm not precisely sure what we were celebrating; I think it had to do with freedom for the French working class. I know it involved lots of food.
Theresa and Michael

As in, lots of really good food. Not all of it French. There was beef tenderloin, roasted veggies, carrots and yellow beans with dill...

And did I mention the chilled roasted red-pepper soup with avocado cream? Yummmm!

 And interesting conversations with good friends. This is Kari. She rocks, in case you didn't know.

And the piece de resistance... flourless chocolate cake and champagne! I don't think that's what Marie Antionette was talking about when she said 'let them eat cake'. But I'm telling you that if she had this kinda spread available to the masses, history would tell a slightly different tale.

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