Saturday, July 28, 2012

Home, cookin'

Recently returned from an extended business trip (plus a weekend in New York). Posted below are some pictures of the tastier foods I enjoyed while on the road. And yes, these were all as good as they looked. Most are from the weekend in New York. I feel pretty blessed.

Dear gazpacho, I'm not sure how to spell you, but you were delicious.

Poached salmon salad with quinoa, I remember you well.

The simplest dessert of berries, creme fresh, and maple syrup with macerated berries

Mr. Giant Macaroni, I know you aren't real, but you make me smile

Beauties from Georgetown Cupcakes

And yet, it's good to be home. To sleep in my own bed, to wake up and brew some coffee, and start my day. Today, I surveyed the bounty from my organic fruit and veggie CSA, to decide what I wanted to make and eat at home.

For breakfast, scrambled eggs with green peppers, onions, and tomatoes with a wedge of cheddar cheese tucked in.

An afternoon appetizer of an Italian guacamole of sorts- one ripe avocado, mashed with the juice of half a fresh lemon, and crushed red peppers added to taste. Served with thick yellow corn chips.

For a late lunch, ratatouille, made with tomatoes, two kinds of green peppers, onion, garlic, eggplant, salt, pepper, basil.

Finally, a juicy white nectarine, sweet and creamy; it required nothing additional to make it the perfect dessert.

Tastes of summer. Tastes of comfort. Tastes of home. Contented sigh.

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