Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Kids these days... are pretty awesome

Dear people who don't have children,

If that is your choice, I support your decision.

And if you really wanted children, but haven't been able to, I'm sorry.

I never thought I would have a child. I was far too selfish when I was young, and in fact, when I got pregnant at age 24, three months after I was married, I was told by a friend that I better I hope I don't have a girl, because I would be bad at raising one. I don't know if that's true; it certainly was a risk. OTOH, I think having a child forced me to grow up and get my priorities in line. Turns out unconditional love can do that.

I've done the best I can, and who knows, maybe I'm not that great. It has been one exciting bumpy journey. I think my daughter is pretty amazing, fun, and interesting. Parenting is the toughest job I've ever had, but there is nothing more rewarding. When you're having a hard day or when you simply need a reminder about what is important in life, I invite you to reach out to a child. It really does take a village, and 'kids these days' are pretty awesome if you bother to get to know them. They represent our future, and I think there is good reason to hold out hope.

I am blessed to have lots of terrific kids in my life: I'm so impressed by my friends' children, my nephews, my cousins' kids, and the kids at my church. Thank goodness for the joy they bring, and the hope they represent.

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