Thursday, September 20, 2012

CSA day and other awesomeness!

Not sure what's gotten into me lately. I'm a pretty positive person most of the time. But lately- I've been downright chipper! As in waking up smiling. Before I've even had one single cup of coffee.

Today was no exception. It doesn't hurt that it's CSA day! I get so excited to see what's in my box every week. I was super excited to see leeks, and skinny pink radishes, and some greens I have never tried before that are supposed to take like broccoli called spigariello. The box was bursting full!

 It will take me a while just to find room for all of it. Things I hope to make in the next week: creamy leek and potato soup, carrot ginger bisque, stuffed poblano peppers, and if I can find a gluten-free pie crust- sausage, spigariello, and pepper quiche.



Plus, over lunch today I got to see my friend Jessica, who I hadn't seen in WAY too long. We need to remember those awesome people in our lives. It was so great to catch up!

And this afternoon, I realized how lucky I am to have a job that I enjoy, that challenges me to always do my best, and has brought me so many terrific friendships.

For dinner tonight, I threw together a stovetop sautee of potatoes, onion, and mixed greens in olive oil, with one half of a diced jalepeno, some chiptole seasoning and salt, which I served with an egg over easy, for some extra protein. So simple, and so tasty.

When I go to bed tonight, I will count my blessings, and you can bet that you, my friends and family will be accounted for. :)

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