Thursday, September 27, 2012

Homemade guacamole and a random story


Another quick yummy dinner! And super easy. Just some thick sliced tomato, sauteed greens, and homemade guacamole with diced onion, roasted garlic and creamy chiptole, all designed to top a burger. Here's the quick money shot:

I think a ground turkey burger would've been even better, but instead I used a veggie burger that I already had on hand. It was still pretty darn good. If I was hard-core about my cooking though, I would've gotten back in my car, and driven to the store. But you see, I'm not really a fan of grocery shopping, especially on a busy week night. Fan of food, yes. Grocery shopping, no. 

Thinking about my aversion to grocery shopping on weeknights made me think of an oddly humorous experience I once had (though I didn't think it was funny at the time)...

But before I share it, here's a picture of my toaster. As you can see, it's orange.

My orange tomato tonight made me think that you might want to see my orange toaster. Not many people have orange toasters. I like it.

Anyhoo, back to the story...

So one day, long long LONG ago, when I was still married, I arrived home in a super stressed out and not very happy mood after a long difficult day. I don't remember the circumstances; I just remember being upset. Don't ask me why, but he mentioned out loud that he thought it would be a great idea if I took the Blazer, so I could "get a break" and do some grocery shopping. I recall giving him a look like, "You DO know I hate grocery shopping, right?, " but then I thought better of saying any words out loud, and just grabbed the keys.  At the time, for reasons not worth discussing, we only had one car, and all I could think was I just wanted to get away. So off I went. And I drove, and drove. I don't even remember how far I went- I think to Little Falls and back, maybe further. I was gone a few hours.

When I walked back in the door, he asked, "Feel better?"
He looked at my empty arms. "Where are the groceries?"
"They were out," I explained.
"They were out of groceries?"
"They were out of groceries, at the grocery store?"
"Yep."I said calmly, gave him a look that suggested any more questions would be unadvisable, and just handed him the keys...

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