Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fun Day with the Family at Ren Fest

My cousin Carmen invited me to tag along with the family to the Renaissance Festival today. And since she's long past the days of ganging up with my brother Steve and chasing me and her sister Becky with junebugs, of course I said yes. (She actually turned out to be a more normal adult than me.) Plus I love her kids to pieces, and her husband Tom is pretty funny too. And also my aunt Ole (mom's sister) decided to come with. Ole practically raised Amanda- she provided all of her child care from 0-5 years old, and then some. Needless to say, Amanda considers her more like a Grandma than a great aunt.

Since there was so many of us; we took two cars. I was pretty psyched when Carissa and Jenna chose the "Girlz Rule" car (mine). Though I  admit, I was saddened that they didn't know any of the words to the Def Leppard or Bon Jovi songs. Good thing they are still young.

We started at Mermaids Cove. The line was super long and slow, so we had high hopes. Turns out the mermaids were very boring -maybe the guys would disagree- but we had fun chatting with each other. Jenna wanted a picture with me in front of one of the mermaids tanks, so here where are, enjoying the beautiful day.

Carissa and Matthew wanted me to walk through The Secret Garden trail with them. Couldn't say no to those faces...

Then it was time for Zilch the TorySteller (story-teller)- my favorite! This was the family, right before we all started laughing. (Nearest to farthest: Carmen, Carissa, Ole, Jenna, Matthew, Tom)

Jenna bought this decorative head thingie- and kindly modelled it for me. She is pretty much the only one in the family who actually likes getting her picture taken.

Carissa obliges, but only cause she likes me.

And Matthew insists on making silly faces.

More fun....

Jenna and I were taking pictures of everyone eating, especially her dad, because they looked so funny. I was super nice and deleted all of mine. After we laughed hysterically at them.

Carissa wants to be a herpetologist when she grows up, so she was extremely happy to get to touch the lizards and snakes.

This lady asked I wanted to touch her lizard, and when I said "Um, no thanks," she looked very offended that I would pass on this once in a lifetime opportunity. She liked Carissa though.

This snake was so long it didn't even fit in the picture. I didn't pet it either, but no one was offended by that.

Taking a break in the shade. Probably discussing how unrealistic the jousting is when no one falls bleeding off their horse.

I love this picture of Carissa and Ole. Aren't they cute?

Jenna and Carmen, being pickles. Carmen is a good mom to be in a pickle like this, just to make her kid happy.

We had a lot of fun, and we completely wore Ole out. Good times with the family on a Sunday. That's what its all about.

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